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Lancé en 2006, ce blog pédagogique d'histoire-géographie et d'éducation morale et civique (E.M.C.) tire son nom d'un terme issu du parler gaga (le parler stéphanois) ; le cafuron (window in english !) est une lucarne ou un oeil de boeuf éclairant un réduit. Ce blog s'adresse tout autant aux élèves du lycée Jacob Holtzer (Firminy- Loire) qu'à un public plus large. Bonne visite !

28 Feb

Part 4

Publié par Louis BRUN  - Catégories :  #Archives terminale S

Today, Sunday, February 27th, we went to the Natural History Museum and to the Sciences Museum.
In the first one, there are four parts but we especially studied the zone where there are dinosaurs. Mrs Teixeira had prepared a quiz about dinosaurs. In the other zones, we could see the Earth's history, lots of animals and Darwin's center. We liked the fact that there are many interactive games, especially the one where we could compare our weight with animal's one.







In the second museum, we did some games about mirrors and lenses, chimical reactions... It was so pleasant. Moreover, we had to make another quiz on climate made by Mrs Teixeira. But it was very difficult to find the climate room. Consequently, it was hard to go out and the lifts didn't help us.
In the afternoon, we had a free time in Camden Market. We liked to negotiate with the sellers. However, the weather was bad, it was raining ; and we saw so many odd people.
This evening (the last) we will go to the cinema. We are very sad that the end of the travel already arrives.

PS: Mrs Teixeira almost died laughing.

Lea, Remi and Maud

Commenter cet article
<br /> It reminds me of such a good trip... I want to go back to London instead of revising again and again...<br /> <br /> <br />


À propos

Lancé en 2006, ce blog pédagogique d'histoire-géographie et d'éducation morale et civique (E.M.C.) tire son nom d'un terme issu du parler gaga (le parler stéphanois) ; le cafuron (window in english !) est une lucarne ou un oeil de boeuf éclairant un réduit. Ce blog s'adresse tout autant aux élèves du lycée Jacob Holtzer (Firminy- Loire) qu'à un public plus large. Bonne visite !